St. Mary's School Marathon, Wisconsin, Excellence in Education, Home of the Eagles

Accelerated Reader Program

Our library is a fun and exciting place to be! Each grade has a scheduled library time. Grades 4K - 4 come once a week for a half hour for story time and to check out books. Grades 5 - 8 are able to check out books during scheduled class times.

St. Mary's has a wonderful program where books are donated to the library in honor of a child's birthday, honoring a special occasion, or in memory of someone who has died. A special label is created for the memorial book indicating who donated the book and the reason for this special gift. If you are interested in donating or purchasing a memorial book, please contact the school office at 715-443-3430.

mary Wilichowski - Librarian

My husband, Ron, and I were born and raised in Marathon, as were our children, Josh, Laura and Liz. In addition we have been blessed with ten grandchildren.

I began my career at St. Mary's many years ago. I began volunteering in my children's classrooms and for over 25 years, I've been the school librarian. I love children and books, so I consider this the perfect job!

I feel one of our greatest accomplishments in the library is the Accelerated Reading (AR) Program. It is amazing to watch our students move through the school year and experience great growth with their reading skills. It is because of our excellent teachers that we are able to encourage reading with this program.

I am very grateful for the support of our families and parish members and their generosity which allows our library to continue to grow each year.

Phone Extension: 207


Mary Wilichowski